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Quickstart your Analytics User Stories

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A strong analytics practice requires some less than glamorous processes that most won’t talk about, but they’re important nonetheless. Our product owners and product managers put a lot of effort into detailed user stories, and that effort definitely extends to analytics stories. Here are a couple tools to give your team a head-start towards making quality, detailed user stories.

Option 1: Analytics User Story Template

Here’s a starting point for your analyst or product owner to draft an analytics-focused user story. Of course, use the format works best for your team, we like the Gherkin format for consistency and readability.

“As a [user type], I want the ability to log events in [analytics platform], so I can track analytics throughout the experience.


  • I am on the [screen name, use multiple lines for multiple screens]

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Scenario: [event name]
  • Given a user selects [the action that brought the user to this action]
  • When the [action is taken]
  • Then the [event name] event should be sent to Amplitude
    • And the properties should include:
      • [additional properties that should be included with the event]“

Option 2: Use a generative AI tool

Use this prompt with your preferred AI tool and include screenshots of your app or website. In our experience, Gemini and pdf files tend to give the best results.

“Analyze the attached images and create analytics events and event properties for Amplitude. Include a background section that states which screens are being considered. For Acceptance criteria, write a user story in Gherkin format (criteria, given, when, then) so a developer can implement custom events for an analytics platform.”

The results will certainly need editing, but you should have a head start towards solid analytics user stories!

Need to speak to an expert? Contact us to learn more.


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