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Next-Gen Wealth: Navigating the Great Wealth Transfer with Digital Innovation

Next-Gen Wealth e-book

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Traversing a Historic Shift

We are on the cusp of a significant transformation in the global financial landscape. Over the next decade, an estimated $1.4 trillion in wealth is projected to be transferred annually from high-net-worth households to younger generations – millennials and Gen Z – by 2033. This movement, often referred to as the “Great Wealth Transfer,” represents not just a shift in wealth but a reshaping of the financial sector itself.

For those in wealth management, this transition presents both formidable challenges and substantial opportunities. The new generation of investors seeks portfolios that reflect their values and lifestyles, often including a preference for digital, personalized, flexible solutions.

To thrive in this evolving market, wealth management firms and financial institutions must not only understand these younger investors but also adapt their approaches to meet expectations.

Download your copy of the report today.


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