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A Letter from our Founder & CEO on the Eve of our 12th Anniversary

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At Bottle Rocket, we believe in doing anything you do with everything you’ve got. On the eve of our 12th anniversary, I’m proud to share just a few beliefs that have shaped us, guided us and remind us daily of why we do what we do. Every day, we strive to live these beliefs and be the best partners we can be to each client we are fortunate enough to partner with.  Looking ahead to the rest of 2020 and beyond, we challenge you to hold us accountable to these beliefs and help push us to be better versions of ourselves each and every day. After all, you are the reason we get to do what we love with some of the greatest people on the planet.

  1. We believe in the power of experiences. Not the kind of experiences that you quickly overlook or forget, but the kind that keep you coming back for more, time and time again. The kind that bring true delight and simplicity to your already hectic life. The kind that build loyalty and drive revenue because you just can’t imagine life without it. The kind that changes behavior.
  2. We believe in promises. Both making them and keeping them. It’s often the fastest way to earn the trust of those around you. Promises bind us as humans and keep us accountable for our actions.
  3. We believe that diversity can be your greatest competitive advantage. Not only will diversity help to decrease your blind spots, but it can expand your horizons to new and different ways of thinking.  If we nurture diversity and create a culture where everyone has a voice, more imaginative solutions and pathways forward will naturally emerge.
  4. We believe in relationships. Deep, true, long-lived relationships fulfill our lives and help make us whole. Relationships are the glue of our company and can strengthen or even compromise any situation. We treat others with respect and value all individual strengths and skills.
  5. We believe in putting the customer at the center of all decisions. In today’s highly competitive world where millions of companies are vying for the attention of your audience, it’s imperative to make sure that the user is at the center of everything you do. They will ultimately determine the success of your business and guide your path forward.
  6. We believe in technology. Not just using technology for technologies sake but leveraging it to create solutions that enhance the lives of those who use it. It’s no longer about software and hardware; it’s about lifestyle and keeping up with the way humans do life. Technology is one of the most uncertain and constantly changing elements of our world, but it’s also one of the most powerful things we have at our disposal. Use it wisely and it can transform your world.
  7. We believe in innovation. It’s more than just a buzz word or something that we talk about and never do. It’s defining what’s next, before it even happens. It’s looking ahead and charting the path forward. Innovation is innate to our business and core to our DNA. It drives us and defines us.
  8. We believe in constant collaboration. Not forced collaboration, but the kind of natural collaboration that happens instinctively when like-minded people share a common passion and goal. With collaboration comes openness, brutal honesty, and an ability to consider others’ ideas alongside your own.
  9. We believe in making products, not PowerPoints. There’s no “power” in stopping at the delivery of words on a page. The true impact comes when you make something that others find value in. And making things that matter is the root of our DNA. We believe that creating digital products that serve as mission-critical components of our clients’ businesses is where the true power lies. It’s why we’ve been able to build over 450 meaningful digital experiences and products – way more than our competitors.
  10. We believe in curiosity. Constantly learning, constantly striving, constantly seeking more. We believe in asking “Why?” more than asking “How?” And not settling for what’s easy, or what’s convenient. We believe in pushing the boundaries of the obvious and digging deeper to find a new way.
  11. We believe in passion. Do what you love! It’s that deep-rooted passion that pushes us to never give up. It drives us and keeps us eager, restless, and optimistic about the future. We seek it, we demonstrate it, and we live for where our passion will take us. Your passion will give you the stamina and stick-with-it-ness that will ultimately lead to your success.
  12. But above all….we believe in magic. Not the fairy dust kind of magic, but that perfect moment when everything comes together, the stars align and we create something that is truly beautiful, simple, and magical. It is in this moment that we know it’s all been worth it. And when we know that we have changed the world for the better.

As I often say, “We have jettisoned the life rafts to take on more fuel.” Happy 12th anniversary to Bottle Rocket! We’ve only just begun.


Calvin Carter


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